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We live in an anxious age. Chronic anxiety is one of the most common mental illnesses in the world. Our PUREMIND® Anxiety module offers relief for clients suffering from chronic anxiety and the panic attacks that frequently accompany it. Targeting the root causes of anxiety, it helps people understand that their fears are 'empty threats' that have no basis and can be overcome. People emerge from the module relieved, refreshed and empowered.

Chronic anxiety is based on perceived threat rather than imminent danger

Chronic Anxiety: When fear is the only thing to fear

Getting to the roots of chronic anxiety with our life-changing PUREMIND® Anxiety module

Anxiety is a natural part of life, but when it’s constant it becomes a chronic condition that is hard to escape. People suffering from chronic anxiety fear events, conditions and physical settings that have triggered panic attacks in the past. They are often aware that their fears are irrational but feel that they have no capacity to control them. Our PUREMIND® Anxiety module helps people analyze their anxiety triggers and see them for what they are; memories that they can manage, just like any other memory. It teaches them how to relax and let go of anxieties and reassures them that they can move on and ignore the triggers that have caused panic attacks in the past. Clients completing the module will feel empowered to leave their chronic anxiety behind and look to the future with confidence and joy.