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People with low self-esteem feel unwanted, unrecognized, and unprepared for life. They may feel unloved as well. Low self-esteem creates pathways in the brain that lead to self-fulfilling negativity. Our PUREMIND® Self-esteem module enables clients to learn how to break out of these habits and begin to love themselves.

Deserving a better self-image

Learning to love yourself

With our PUREMIND® Self-esteem module

Low self-esteem is perhaps the most common mental condition of all. Many of us lack confidence from time to time, but when we consistently feel that we are failures, or when we feel unhappy with ourselves most of the time, low self-esteem becomes a condition that denies us happiness and controls our lives. Low self-esteem can lead people into other negative habits and practices, such as self harm, depression and substance abuse. It can destroy a person’s family life, social life and relationships. Our PUREMIND® Self-esteem module helps clients analyze their feelings of unworthiness. It teaches them how to look below the surface at the memories and habits that shape their self-perception and to realize that they have the ability to change them. Using a powerful blend of psychotherapy and VR, clients are motivated to begin valuing their achievements and loving themselves, leaving the past behind them and building a better quality of life.