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Anger Management

Anger can be a destructive emotion that destroys lives. It can also be a chronic problem that robs people of happiness. Our PUREMIND® Anger Management module helps clients accept that their anger is a pattern. By identifying and addressing their chronic emotional issues, clients learn to recognize and analyze their anger triggers and permanently manage and control them.

Letting go of anger

Addressing the pain that lies beneath anger

With our PUREMIND® Anger Management module

All of us get angry from time to time, but when anger is explosive and persistent it becomes a mental pattern that robs people of happiness and destroys lives. Realizing and accepting that anger is a pattern is the first step toward healing. Learning how to recognize and overcome triggers is the further step that creates lasting change. Our PUREMIND® Anger Management module helps clients look objectively at their past and recognize the patterns and triggers that generate anger. It helps them understand that the past is the past, but there are lessons to be learnt that will help them manage their anger in the future. Getting ‘beneath’ their anger, clients recognize their own unhealthy patterns and the effect they have had on others. This enables them to see pathways to release and healing. Clients who complete the module emerge with an overwhelming sense of relief and the ability to manage their anger in the future.