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Sexual enhancement

It's one of life's greatest joys, yet for many people sexual connection is difficult, associated with shame, emotional pain and failure. Deep in their subconscious they feel uncomfortable about having a wonderful loving sexual relationship. Our PUREMIND® Sexual Enhancement module is designed to free clients from the grip of inhibiting thoughts and memories and embrace sex as a natural and elevating part of a loving relationship.

Sexual connection is meant to be a joy, not a trigger for shame or emotional pain

Learning to deserve love

With our PUREMIND® Sexual Enhancement module

Loving and being loved are the most wonderful feelings on earth; when someone truly cares about someone special to them then it’s only natural to want to unite in body and spirit. Unfortunately for many people physical intimacy triggers subconscious feelings of shame, unrealistic social and religious taboos, the pain of relationship break-ups or memories of abusive encounters. Sexual enhancement is learning about one’s self and one’s body, as well as feeling comfortable with expressing emotions and connection through physical connection. Our PUREMIND® Sexual Enhancement module helps people with unwanted and unhelpful sexual ‘baggage’ remove themselves from their past and develop a healthy mental attitude to sexual contact; so necessary for lasting, loving relationships.