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Domestic Violence - Victim

Domestic violence robs victims of security and love. It also creates downward spirals of self-loathing, guilt and depression. Our PUREMIND® Domestic Violence module helps victims of domestic violence heal the damage that violence has done to them, helping them regain self-esteem, let go of negative patterns and reclaim the happiness they deserve.

Breaking free from the damage

Reclaiming self-esteem after domestic violence

With our PUREMIND® Domestic Violence – Victim module

Victims of domestic violence not only live with fear, but often live with guilt, self-loathing and a crippling lack of self-worth. A high proportion of victims even continue to love the perpetrators of violence, and many fail to understand that no-one, ever, deserves violence, especially from a loved one. Our PUREMIND® Domestic Violence – Victim module helps victims of domestic violence recognize the damage that violence has done to their self-esteem and sense of worth. It helps them let go of any guilt and self-loathing associated with the past and understand that they deserve happiness and health. Using a powerful combination of psychotherapy and VR, the module helps them recognize and address negative patterns and visualize a future free from the damage that violence has done to them. Clients emerge from the module able to love themselves again and look forward to a better life, with or without the perpetrator.