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Gambling addiction can happen to anyone; it knows no social or income boundaries. Gambling may start out as a fun pastime, but when it becomes an all-consuming habit it can be devastating for the gambler and their loved ones. A gambling problem can strain relationships, destroy livelihoods and compromise mental wellbeing. Our PUREMIND® Gambling Addiction module deals with the compulsion to gamble, targeting the behavioral and mood disorders that typically lie behind it.

Breaking free from addiction starts with the mind

Gambling Addiction: An impulse-control disorder that can be managed

With our PUREMIND® Gambling Addiction module

Gambling addiction is an impulse-control disorder. As with any addiction, the gambler seeks relief from emotional pain by gambling; generating a vicious cycle that only increases their isolation and furthers their pain. Addicted gamblers believe they can’t control the impulse to gamble despite the negative consequences that are only too evident to them. They feel trapped, chasing a win at any cost. A gambling addiction is often accompanied by other mental health disorders, such as narcotics abuse and alcoholism, depression and anxiety. Our PUREMIND® Gambling Addiction module provides a circuit-breaker for problem gamblers. It teaches them how to look at their past honestly and impartially, learn about their addiction and use the power of their own minds to address their impulse-control problems. They learn that far from being powerless, they can turn their lives around and repair the damage they have done to their finances and relationships.