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Stress Relief

Stress is the scourge of modern life. It's typically a feeling brought on by the thought of doing something (or not doing something one should do). The stress that results is usually not commensurate with the actual risks involved, and it accumulates, becoming an unhealthy way of life. Our PUREMIND® Stress Relief module helps clients deal with stress triggers and break the cyclical thoughts and habits that produce chronic stress.

Un-learning stress responses to situations and events

Stress is a habit that can be controlled

Our PUREMIND® Stress Relief module starts the healing

Life can have stressful moments, but stressful feelings and reactions can become an unhealthy mental habit. Our PUREMIND® Stress Relief module helps clients examine their past and learn how they have conditioned themselves to overreact to certain triggers, creating chronic stress that never subsides and slowly but surely eats away at overall health. The module shows them how to identify their own personal stress triggers and place the triggers in perspective; learning how to de-mystify and disarm the psychological issues that lie beneath. Clients who complete the module take control of their minds and neutralize their stressors. They learn how to feel optimistic and happy again, knowing that their mind has the power to handle anything in the future. Empowered, they are set on a path to love themselves and take better care of their minds, bodies and relationships.