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Pain Management

Pain sets off alarms in the brain. Sometimes the alarms keep coming even when the physical source of pain has subsided. Chronic pain can often be 'dialled down' by learning positive mental habits, by creating new, reinforcing pathways that build resistance to pain instead of amplifying it. Our PUREMIND® Pain Management module helps clients turn off the false alarms and change their perceptions of pain.

Pain and the brain: relieving chronic pain with the power of the mind

Chronic pain creates pathways in the brain

Our PUREMIND® Pain Management module can change perceptions of pain

Acute pain is generated in the peripheral nervous system, which sends signals to the brain, which then determines whether it will experience the pain signals or ignore them. Chronic pain is both experienced pain and the memory of pain. The memory of pain can often amplify the experience of pain, involving the emotions, increasing stress levels and creating ‘pain pathways’ in the mind that are difficult to change. This is where our PUREMIND® Pain Management module can help. By targeting perceptions of pain and associated negative thinking, this life-changing module helps clients understand exactly how much of their chronic pain is ‘ín their mind’ and therefore controllable. It helps them visualize a life without pain and appreciate the power of their own minds to create new pathways, free of chronic pain.