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Quit Smoking

Giving up smoking is not easy; it requires willpower and stamina. Without support, only 4% of smokers kick the habit completely. Why? Because smoking is an addiction, a habit that creates neurological changes and chemical dependencies that are hard to reverse.

PUREMIND® Quit Smoking targets the psychological causes of tobacco addiction.

Quitting smoking begins with the mind

Introducing our game-changing PUREMIND® Quit Smoking module

Our Quit Smoking module targets addiction to smoking, using the combined power of psychotherapy and virtual reality technology to eliminate cravings and  permanently remove the desire to smoke. Engaging with the sub-conscious, the module persuades smokers to kick the habit themselves and to deal with the physical symptoms of withdrawal without drugs, patches, gums or vaporizers. Smoking leads to disease and disability and harms almost every organ of the body. Once most smokers are aware of this they want to give up. This module embeds a system to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and eliminate cravings. Many clients report that the desire to smoke is permanently removed and that willpower is no longer an issue after completing it. For those that need further support, booster modules help keep them on track.