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Alcohol Abuse

Leaving alcohol abuse behind has never been easy. All too often the underlying psychological issues creating a dependence on alcohol are mis-diagnosed or left untreated. Our PUREMIND® Alcohol Abuse module targets underlying issues leading to alcoholism and helps people envisage a future without their alcohol habit. It provides a clear pathway for clients seeking permanent change and a better life.

Eliminating dependence on alcohol and repairing the damage

Remedying alcohol abuse requires a holistic approach

Introducing our PUREMIND® Alcohol Abuse module

Alcohol abuse is a dangerous, expensive and socially ostracizing habit that usually infiltrates and compromises every aspect of life. All too often an alcoholic’s own ego denies there is a problem, while those around them suffer. Our Alcohol Abuse module helps people accept that they have a problem and see how it is affecting them and others, especially those they love and who love them. It provides the motivation to permanently change as well as a pathway for achieving a complete transformation. Because most people with drinking issues tend to need total abstinence from alcohol, the module works to eliminate the desire to drink alcohol, while encouraging people to mend relationships that have been broken and damaged by their drinking habits. Using the combined power of subliminal suggestion and VR, this game-changing VR module helps clients break from their past and embrace their path to a brighter future.