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Domestic Violence - Perpetrator

Domestic violence is soul-destroying for both the victim and the perpetrator. It is often a sign of mental illness, created by underlying issues that have built up over years. Our PUREMIND® Domestic Violence - Perpetrator module helps clients acknowledge that they have a problem and that violence is never a solution. It helps them identify their mental health issues and motivates them to seek a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

Violence is never a solution

Learning that violence is never a solution

With our PUREMIND® Domestic Violence – Perpetrator Module

International research suggests that most perpetrators of domestic violence have underlying mental health issues, usually manifesting in anger management issues, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, personality disorders, alcoholism and problem gambling. Treatment requires an holistic approach that addresses these underlying issues. A first step is to acknowledge that there is a problem and this is where our module can help. Using a powerful combination of psychotherapy and VR, the module helps clients understand the destructive nature of domestic violence, both for the perpetrator and the victim. Clients dig deep into their minds and understand the underlying patterns and issues that cause them to react violently to certain triggers. The module then helps them move through remorse and appreciate the joy of forgiveness and healing, creating a better life for them and their loved ones.