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PUREMIND Diagnostic Assistant™

Here at PUREMIND® we have an holistic approach to diagnosis and treatment, offering allied practitioners an effective analysis tool that they can use when professionally assessing their clients, as well as highly modular VR sessions that they can utilize in their treatments. Developed and tested with Monash University, our PUREMIND Diagnostic Assistant™ is a useful tool in any professional practice.


Our PUREMIND Diagnostic Assistant™ is a tool that helps practitioners determine and prioritize treatments by identifying all underlying conditions that require treatment such as low self-esteem, anxiety, self-harm and drug abuse. You can use it to develop a comprehensive treatment plan.


PUREMIND Diagnostic Assistant™ Questionnaire

The PDA™ is a client questionnaire designed to help PUREMIND® trained practitioners identify both primary (presenting) issues and underlying conditions. The client’s answers are input to the tool, which generates a diagnostic report that practitioners can utilize when performing their own professional diagnoses and developing appropriate treatments.
The information provided helps the practitioner determine:

  1. whether treatment is required for primary conditions, underlying conditions or both
  2. what kind of treatment is suitable for each condition, and
  3. whether a PUREMIND® module, or series of modules, provides suitable treatment.

The questionnaire is a key component of our end to end approach to treatment which includes:

  1. professional analysis
  2. treatment via our immersive VR modules (where considered appropriate by the practitioner), and
  3. follow-up (via booster VR modules or other prime modules where appropriate).

Practitioners are trained to analyze completed questionnaires, administer the VR treatments, and de-brief clients upon completion of each module.